Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lucy's scrapbook....

So, this is what happens when you granddaughter is overdue in coming into the world....Grandma starts making all kinds of "BRAG" books to take into work when she's born. My daughter in law was due on April 2nd and I've been so excited I started making brag books to put pictures of her in. This is just one of the two I've made.

This is the front. I plan on putting a picture of her in that empty space on top.

This is what it looks like when you open it up. Look at all that empty space just waiting to have pictures of her put in there....I can hardly wait.
Did you notice those tabs on the side in the picture above? Well when you pull them out there is more space for pictures. I really should have turned this photo around huh??? Sorry bout that.
Then you tuck those tabs back in, and pull out the other set of tabs....and even more space for pictures of little Lucy....that's what they plan on naming her.
Here's a shot so you can see both tabs somewhat pulled out so you can see all the room for pictures of my new little grandbaby.
This would make a fun stamp camp too.
Anyway, hope you liked it ...hopefully it will have pics in there here real soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, this is so cute....I believe my grand-nephew is being born today---this would make a nice gift for my niece!!! They were going to induce her, why don't they just let nature take its course?
